Enjoying Christmas quietly
I am out of energy. It’s been a struggle to keep up with everything over the past few weeks. A little while ago I quietly admitted to myself that by the time Christmas arrived...
I am out of energy. It’s been a struggle to keep up with everything over the past few weeks. A little while ago I quietly admitted to myself that by the time Christmas arrived...
How do we know when our decision not to pursue invasive or further treatment for our dogs is right? It’s a topic I’ve wanted to write on for a long while. But it’s not...
“Hi Janetta, would it be possible for us to have a chat on the phone please?” When I read Sandy’s message I lowered my eyes and knew. Sandy has never asked this before. Since...
Moving house is widely regarded as one of life’s major stressors. It’s something which Michel and I have never really done. Not in a conventional sense of packing up one house and moving straight...
When Bella died at Christmas Mabel mourned her sister, as everyone expected. But, little did anyone know that something more sinister than grief was going on.
When I was in the UK in September, I was treated to time with Bella. I could say that it was unexpected time. Only I didn’t like to acknowledge that then, and don’t like to say it aloud now.
‘I already miss those ears’. What do you do when death comes to a friend and you know they’ll be putting on a brave and public face?
There are loads of things that make me cringe but this blog is about dogs and my relationship with them so worry not, you won’t read all my cringe-triggers. You’ll just read one today....
As we waved our visitors off last week, Albert Claude breathed a sigh of relief.
For us to go south in August makes little sense. But that is what we did last week.