You didn’t disappoint
Guernsey, I had high expectations and you did not disappoint. Our first visit will not be our last I am sure. For a small island you pack a big punch. Such a welcoming place and utterly beautiful. I make no secret of my love of beaches and islands so I was always going to be easy to please. But the island’s charms went way past my easy ways.
The charm switch flipped as soon as we stepped on the ferry at Cherbourg. The silvery light across the sea was almost unreal, the water shimmered, the clouds stunned us into admiration.

Our visit coincided with the island’s first walk in support of Schnauzerfest since 2019. It was at the invitation of Tatiana and Daren that we went. They organised a perfect walk in an ideal location. Although the drive in our campervan up to Pleinmont gave me a few nervy twitches as the island’s notoriously narrow roads squeezed tighter as we climbed higher. Stopping to ask for directions, the jogger we interrupted on his morning run, set the tone for the trip with his warm ‘Welcome to Guernsey’, followed by a description of the island’s history and where we were heading for the walk. A charming encounter and far from the last we’d experience during the trip.

ITV Channel News wanted to interview me and film the walk, for which I thank them hugely as publicity for the charity like this, is priceless.

Judging by the number of times over the following days that we were stopped and asked about the ‘schnauzer walk’, the news piece certainly gained attention.
Schnauzers are surprisingly numerous on an island with a human population of less than 65,000. There were well over 25 at the walk, all happy to gather and share the collective happiness of a Schnauzerfest Walk.
While on the island I took the opportunity to visit Guernsey Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GSPCA). Manager Steve Byrne gave me a full and interesting tour. My interest mainly lies with dog welfare, but I am deeply interested in all work done by rescues. It was a highlight finding myself in the close presence of an owl currently in the care of the centre. I love, love, love owls! Who’d have guessed a visit to Guernsey would be the place I would first see one close up. We hear their nightly calls and screeches here in France on summer evenings, but never manage to spot one. Thank you Guernsey for that special owl memory I will cherish.
You can read Guernsey, GSPCA’s blog here.
While beaches were where we walked mostly during our stay, we did venture into the main town, St Peter Port on Sunday. Luckily we were there just in time for the final Seafront Sunday of the season. With the seafront closed to traffic, our traffic-nervous schnauzers walked and talked their holiday-happy way along the seafront, enjoying the novel location. Although Angel – our food-fussy-fuss-pot – was not tempted to lick a Guernsey ice cream pot. Perhaps for the best though Albert’s long tongue made short work of his small sea-front treat,

There is so much Michel and I loved about the island. Not least the friendly, welcoming and interesting people we met during our stay. I am particularly grateful to Sam and Chantal for sharing walks with their dogs and telling us about island life.
During our stay we walked from beach to beach and one of us managed to get in the sea. It wasn’t a schnauzer.
My biggest thanks go to Daren and Tatiana for their hospitality and for inviting us and for their wonderful support for Schnauzerfest.