Summer ramblings
It’s a long hot summer in south-west France. Since early May we’ve been enjoying summery weather. But that’s not to say it’s all been wonderful. ‘Summery weather’ includes violent thunderstorms and hail. Our recent terrible one, was it turns out a tornado which explains the extensive damage it caused. There have also been terrible forest fires raging in the neighbouring department (about 100 miles west of us). We woke the other morning to smoke filling the air as it drifted across from the Gironde.
‘Summery’ weather in 2022 includes temperatures which are regularly in excess of 35 celsius. We’ve hit 40 degrees (104 fahrenheit) more than once this month. It’s not literally unbearable as I’m still here to write about it, but that heat is hard. I retreat indoors and stay there, the house dark and as cool as it can be with closed shutters.
My mother sat out the recent mini heatwave in the UK in a house with carpets and curtains, and designed to stay warm in winter. When Michel and I lived there, our house was small and cosy in winter but terribly uncomfortable for the odd hot day in summer. Mum was not a happy woman when I spoke to her and Surrey was sweltering. She never enjoys hot weather, complaining every year when the mid twenties are reached. Her annoyance – she takes things personally – was made worse every time she turned on the TV or radio by patronising drivel telling her to stay in the shade and drink some water.
For once she had my sympathies – not always a given as we often disagree. I too find the endless advice makes me switch off or scroll by as yet another trite social media post tells me to do this or that. Or worse, into my newsfeed comes someone judging another without I suspect knowing any details. But judgement and opinions flood our world today. When ‘events’ like heatwaves come along, it seems the collective finger and metaphorical tongue wagging on social media is inevitable. But not inescapable.
I escape and do what I need to in order to keep a healthy perspective. I leave social media. Off I go and enjoy the real world around me. Which for the past few weeks has included back to back visits from friends and family. In June we had our friends Anne and Steve stay with Bella and Mabel. Out of many lovely moments, having Bella happy to sit in my arms at my desk as I did a little checking in on Schnauzerfest was perhaps the highlight. She reminded me a lot of Susie-Belle on a lot of occasions in the days she was with us.
After two years of disrupted plans and limited trips, it’s good to share our home and life with loved ones once more. Michel’s family favour spontaneity which always challenges my organised ways. This summer’s unexpected extra company has combined with last minute decisions to holiday at ours. My work schedule and summer planning have taken blow after blow but for all the right reasons. I’ve almost given up trying to stay on top of anything, let alone everything. But there are some big challenges which have needed my proper attention, of which I’ll write more soon.
I now have a clear week ahead with no guests as far as I know. Unless family or friends spring any suprises. So I’ll be nose down, tapping away on the keyboard, catching up. Oddly, I almost wish for a spell of soaring heat so I’m forced to trap myself indoors. Instead of relying on self-dsicpline to resist heading out to enjoy a cool dip, or wander under trees and through sunflower fields. It really is a beautiful time of year, whatever else is going on, that doesn’t ever change.