Janetta Harvey Author, Blogger and Campaigner

The girls and their game

The week ahead’s another busy work one for me, which means we’re up and out early again each morning so we can get our 4-5k walk in. If I ensure we do this, Renae...

Fridays are fun days

When Renae first came to us, I was keen that she would be as well socialised a pup as we could make her. Although we know lots of people around with dogs and over...

EFAs, Omega wotsits and SusieB’s eyes

I’ve been reading up on exactly what we need to know about the various (frankly confusing) different essential fatty acids (EFAs) that need to be in generous quantities in Susie-Belle’s diet and which need...

Snoring, snoozy, Susie-Belle

First week back at work after Christmas and I’m a bit too busy for my liking which means we’re getting up extra early each morning to get in our full morning walk, then the...

Mixed news on Susie-Belle’s eyes

Yesterday we had a day out to Oxford to see Susie-Belle’s opthalmologist. Mr Fraser did her cataract op in the summer before we rehomed her and I first took her in November for a check...

Susie-Belle has finally had a little make-over. I ditched the fiddly, careful approach I’d adopted before with scissors and decided to use the Andis clippers. What a difference this made, she was great, very relaxed and...

Back in town

First day post-holiday and the girls were itching to get out and see all their local pals but we left it a bit late this morning and didn’t see anyone although this afternoon we managed to...

Guinea fowl and duck gizzards

The last day here in France is nearly over, we head home tomorrow and for once the weather gods were kind to us, the sun made a welcome return after days of rain. We...

Fresh chicken for breakfast

The visitors have all left and life resumes its normal peaceful pace for Susie-Belle. Although as I write this, she’s being pestered into joining in a beard pulling, face chewing frantic five minutes by...

New Year’s Eve menu

Renae wasn’t very impressed by her first taste of frogs legs, Susie-Belle on the other hand made short work of hers first and then finished what Renae abandoned. She definitely has taste our foodie-Susie....