Tagged: writing

Here we are again

When I let my mind return to the final moments with Susie-Belle, I am as disturbed by it now, seven years on, as I was then. It feels like seven seconds ago.

Shifting thoughts and word counts

Here I am, writing my way out of a grey place I’ve been caught in since December. Since Renae’s short illness and sudden, terminal departure from my life. It’s two months now that I...

It’s here!

It’s here! Today I received my author copies of my new book. It’s an exciting time for a writer, unpacking a parcel and seeing for the first time the result of thousands of hours...

The More You Use It

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. A favourite Maya Angelou quote. She’s right, of course, phenomenal woman, great thinker, savvy human being that she was. I am...

Beware the gillygaupus

I recently completed a writing course with the University of East Anglia. The UEA are world leaders in teaching creative writing, with an alumni featuring literary shining lights such as Rose Tremain, Ian McEwan...