Heading home
We’ve come to the end of our autumn break here and are heading home tomorrow, at the crack of dawn….

…..as we have a 600 mile drive. The girls travel brilliantly, but I’m guessing it’s going to be us up before them in the morning, even little Renae who’s a live wire once she’s awake, but a complete snoozy head when she fancies a lie in…..

….what’s amazing about her is she can be snoozing one minute……..

……..and literally racing round buzzing the very next second if she thinks something fun is, or should be happening.
The forecast tomorrow is for heavy rain, but they said that for today and we’ve had a lovely day under autumn sunshine, so maybe they’re wrong for tomorrow too.
Will post photos next week once I’ve sorted them out. Till then, as they say here, au revoir mes amis and bon weekend.
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