Some exciting, no VERY exciting news
We have been working away on a really exciting project which today we can share with everyone. Susie-Belle’s story is going to be published. We’re having her book published……when it’s been written that is! Well, more accurately, when I’ve finished writing it as I’ve been working away on it now for the past few months. Just before we came to France last weekend, I had confirmation from our publisher, John Blake Publishing that it is all going ahead and the publishing contract was on its way.
This is very exciting news on many levels for us. First and foremost, I want to share Susie-Belle’s life and story with a wide audience so that it may go some way to raising more awareness of the horrors of the puppy farming business. That seriously motivates me to get on and finish it. Then of course there’s the fun of writing, anyone who blogs must surely enjoy sharing their thoughts and getting these down in writing. This isn’t the first book that I’ll have had published, I’ve done a couple of others related to my work, but this is certainly the one that is the most fun to do and the one I’ve been enjoying spending time here in France doing. This is also the one that I really care about, the one that might make a difference if I do it right. The work stuff was a slog, this is a complete pleasure, immersing myself in sharing Susie-Belle’s adventures can only be fun.