Goodbye Darla
“Love life. Engage in it. Give it all you’ve got. Love it with a passion because life truly does give back, many times over, what you put into it.” Maya Angelou
If ever there was a quote for Darla that is it.
We’ll never know what share of Darla’s life was spent in a puppy farm over what she lived in freedom. But what I do know is that for every day of the almost 4 years she spent with Kate and her adopted brothers Creggan and Rodders, Darla lived and I mean she really lived She lived exuberantly, grabbing everything there was to grab in life and she ran with it. Powered by a full on zest for it Darla’s time was short and perhaps she knew it. We’ll never be sure what dogs know, but the wisdom is their’s for us to learn from.
Hearts are heavy today, minds are numb with shocked sadness at Darla’s sudden death last night. She’d been poorly for a week or so, but nothing out of the ordinary, nothing those caring for her considered critical. By the time Darla’s symptoms gathered pace yesterday, her end was near. She died peacefully, embraced in love, the depths of which only Kate can truly understand.
If only love and force of personality could stop time. But it can’t, and there’s no avoiding the searing pain of loss that Kate now feels when we love our dogs.
Rest peacefully Darla, you loved life and gave it all you had.