Tagged: Renae

A little Christmas Eve magic

Before we moved to France, Michel and I lived in a house a few steps away from the one I grew up in. My family was one whose roots ran deep. My grandfather, who...

Tsuki and what he’s brought

Tsuki’s a family member’s Italian greyhound and he’s been with us for a month. He’s very different to what I’m used to and that’s a good thing.

As the year closes

I wrote this two years ago. It was minus six degrees this morning as Albert Claude and I went up the lane and round the pond in time to see the Winter Solstice sun...

One is not the same as another

I swing between wishing to leave social media entirely and enjoying it’s better nature and the positives that it offers. This morning I’m reminded of one. Facebook Memories and the random photos it throws...

Time is strange

Exactly three years on from Angel joining our home and eleven months since Renae dying and my sense of time is weird.

Playing by the Rules

The other day I managed to catch on camera Albert Claude and Cerise in a delirious moment of play. At least Cerise seemed delirious for a split second, Albert was just being Albert. It’s...

A Corner’s Been Turned

Albert Claude is way off in the distance, a dark grey blur against the frosted brightness of the winter field. I’m useless at judging distance but at a guess, he’s probably a hundred or...