My 2024 ReadAThon
At the start of the year I set myself a reading challenge. I would donate £5 for each book I completed during the year. Raising money for Schnauzerfest this way seemed easy enough.. Especially...
At the start of the year I set myself a reading challenge. I would donate £5 for each book I completed during the year. Raising money for Schnauzerfest this way seemed easy enough.. Especially...
As someone who has increasingly come to dislike social media, I have surprised myself this week by signing up to one more platform. And not only that, but actually enjoying it. Bluesky has been...
Not for a second have I regretted getting more involved in rescue. But can I really do it?
Half way through the year and my ReadAThon for Schnauzerfest is going well. At the start of the year I set myself a target to read 60 books.
With just 10 days left in the month I am drowning in overdue things which need me to sit at my desk and complete.
Inspired by Schnauzerfest’s walking prompts we’ve been exploring Hollywood film locations on our doorstep.
I’m keeping this year’s ReadAThon simple. For every book I finish I’ll donate. I am aiming for 60 books.
I spent December making adjustments, mental and practical. I’m starting the year afresh, with a crisp sense of how I’m going to use my time. Walks are essential.
I am not one for end of year round ups or new year resolutions. At least not public pronouncements. I might run through a few things in my head that I’d like to do....
When I was in the UK in September, I was treated to time with Bella. I could say that it was unexpected time. Only I didn’t like to acknowledge that then, and don’t like to say it aloud now.