Category: Schnauzerfest

My 2024 ReadAThon

At the start of the year I set myself a reading challenge. I would donate £5 for each book I completed during the year. Raising money for Schnauzerfest this way seemed easy enough.. Especially...

Bluesky has me

As someone who has increasingly come to dislike social media, I have surprised myself this week by signing up to one more platform. And not only that, but actually enjoying it. Bluesky has been...

Winter walks

I spent December making adjustments, mental and practical. I’m starting the year afresh, with a crisp sense of how I’m going to use my time. Walks are essential.

Starting as we mean to go on

I am not one for end of year round ups or new year resolutions. At least not public pronouncements. I might run through a few things in my head that I’d like to do....