Tagged: puppy farm dog

What’s worried Albert Claude?

Over the past 2 years Albert has become a worrier. I’ve struggled to know how to help and a few months ago sought professional help. I wish I’d done it sooner.


Joy. The word that sums up what Albert Claude brings to me. More importantly what I hope he feels every single day of his life. What he did not feel, I am sure, in...

Rewriting The Story

After Susie-Belle died in 2015 I received a beautiful portrait of her as a gift. I found it deeply moving. Not only the generosity of someone I had never met, but the thoughtfulness the...

Albert Claude’s Origins

Albert Claude is 6 months old. For the first 2 months of his life he lived in a puppy farm in Northern Ireland. A puppy farm run by Eric Hale and his wife. A...

Introducing Albert Claude Maxwell

Six years ago today I drove to the Diana Brimblecombe Animal Rescue Centre to meet Twinkle for the first time. It was eighteen months on from adopting Susie-Belle and the time was right to...

Beautiful Amber

Around the time of Schnauzerfest 2018 weekend I was contacted by Romy who was keenly taking part and helping with a few additional things on the walks she was involved with. Romy’s motivation to...