Category: Community

Rupert and friendships

I credit Renae’s well adjusted approach to life to the early, happy years spent with canine friends like Rupert and Watson.

What’s worried Albert Claude?

Over the past 2 years Albert has become a worrier. I’ve struggled to know how to help and a few months ago sought professional help. I wish I’d done it sooner.

Tsuki and what he’s brought

Tsuki’s a family member’s Italian greyhound and he’s been with us for a month. He’s very different to what I’m used to and that’s a good thing.

Winter walks

I spent December making adjustments, mental and practical. I’m starting the year afresh, with a crisp sense of how I’m going to use my time. Walks are essential.

As the year closes

I wrote this two years ago. It was minus six degrees this morning as Albert Claude and I went up the lane and round the pond in time to see the Winter Solstice sun...