Tagged: book

Book Review: Wag

I get excited by books. I have more books in my home than I’m ever likely to read. When my ‘to be read’ piles – they’re more like stacks – threaten to topple over,...

A Royal Appointment For Saving Maya

The Berkshire Book Fairy and illustrator of Saving Maya, Annabel Wilson had a lot of fun dropping copies around Windsor on Monday in celebration of Goodreads and The Book Fairies #HideABookDay. A worldwide event,...

Maya Meets A Real Life Fairy

From the beginning, Saving Maya has been a book that’s inspired people to get involved. This is fantastic – and essential – for a book with central themes of compassion and kindness. In a...

It was Puppy Awareness Week last week in the UK, a Kennel Club initiative that raises awareness of how to find and buy healthy puppies and avoid the horrors of puppy farming. Maybe linked...

Celebratory walk

Well that’s it, all done, the book is now finished and will be off with the publisher in the next day or so after a final check and tweak. I’m pleased with how it’s...

Some exciting, no VERY exciting news

We have been working away on a really exciting project which today we can share with everyone. Susie-Belle’s story is going to be published. We’re having her book published……when it’s been written that is!...