How do we know we’re making the right decision?
How do we know when our decision not to pursue invasive or further treatment for our dogs is right? It’s a topic I’ve wanted to write on for a long while. But it’s not...
How do we know when our decision not to pursue invasive or further treatment for our dogs is right? It’s a topic I’ve wanted to write on for a long while. But it’s not...
Yesterday was Michel’s birthday (and Albert Claude’s), and I said we were whipping out to a local restaurant with friends for lunch, which is a rare event for us. We don’t eat out much,...
I’ve been going through photographs recently. It began as a task to find one for the cover of the 2022 Schnauzerfest Calendar. Having Susie-Belle there has become a tradition. Each year when I’m asked...
After days of heatwave the morning Twinkle died it was raining. The irony wasn’t wasted on me. When she arrived in our life in February 2013 she had a phobic response to rain. Her...
Even when my heart is dark and heavy, weighed down by grief at Twinkle’s death I smile at the joy radiating from the brother she’s left behind.
Who ever knows what lies ahead on our journey through life? Who can tell if today is the last to be enjoyed or one of many before a mortal coil is shed? What we...
It’s time to talk a little about Twinkle. Although Twinkle is a ripe old age of at least 14, until very recently, her age has been an invisible reality for her, and us. She’s...
Traditionally January is a month of sales and bargain grabs. And when it comes to books this is the time of year I tend to restock my ‘to be read’ pile for the year...
As a dog from a puppy farm, Cerise is doing well. She’s been in our life now for 3 months and out of the puppy farm for 5. Overall her progress towards living as...