Enjoying Christmas quietly
I am out of energy. It’s been a struggle to keep up with everything over the past few weeks. A little while ago I quietly admitted to myself that by the time Christmas arrived...
I am out of energy. It’s been a struggle to keep up with everything over the past few weeks. A little while ago I quietly admitted to myself that by the time Christmas arrived...
Early yesterday my friend messaged with the news of her dog Alfie’s death in the early hours of the morning.
Another Winter Solstice arrives and I wonder how a whole year has passed since I wrote this. It was written after enjoying a beautiful frozen walk with Albert, but when my heart was heavy...
When I let my mind return to the final moments with Susie-Belle, I am as disturbed by it now, seven years on, as I was then. It feels like seven seconds ago.
Exactly three years on from Angel joining our home and eleven months since Renae dying and my sense of time is weird.
Here I am, writing my way out of a grey place I’ve been caught in since December. Since Renae’s short illness and sudden, terminal departure from my life. It’s two months now that I...
Albert Claude is way off in the distance, a dark grey blur against the frosted brightness of the winter field. I’m useless at judging distance but at a guess, he’s probably a hundred or...
“Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality. Emily Dickinson When Susie-Belle died, a dog newly saved from a puppy farm was adopted in her memory. A couple of days later, Camilla...
After days of heatwave the morning Twinkle died it was raining. The irony wasn’t wasted on me. When she arrived in our life in February 2013 she had a phobic response to rain. Her...
Even when my heart is dark and heavy, weighed down by grief at Twinkle’s death I smile at the joy radiating from the brother she’s left behind.