Dog By Dog Documentary
A few months ago I stumbled across a trailer for a documentary being made in the US. Immediately I was grabbed by the potential impact the film, “Dog By Dog”, will have on the dog breeding industry; not only in the US, but across the world in countries where dogs are abusively bred to supply the huge commercial puppy markets.
As I watched the trailer, I saw that what will make this film different to others that have gone before is the uncovering of the corporations and big players that lie behind the scenes, making big sums of money from dogs suffering. The networks, the powerful lobbies, the authorities, all are keeping the industry thriving and the dogs suffering. This documentary will reveal it all. I hope that when the buying public see that the puppy breeding business is not one driven by any love of dogs, as sellers and breeders often like to trot out when asked, but by money, pure and simple money, it will make enough people shift their thinking to realise that enough is enough. People often won’t watch films showing animals suffering and I understand that; but a film like this, that will expose who and what is causing them to suffer: the suited individuals, the ones who turn from the suffering they cause and look at their balance sheets instead will have a powerful impact on viewers.
The pet selling industry will not want this film seen; from the smallest to the biggest, the players involved will hate to have the web of falsehoods, the gloss, the cute marketing ploys they use revealed. And it won’t just be in the US that this film will shake the rotten apples from their tree of deception and cruelty. The same issues blight the UK, Australia, Canada and other countries where corporations and individuals use the breeding of dogs to line their pockets. Business is about bottom lines. Not compassion and animal welfare, let alone such things as love and care. The commercial puppy business is no different and this film will expose that.
To see the trailer that is currently available, visit here. The film is currently in the final stages of raising the last money needed to complete it and it will be released sometime in 2015 in the US. I am hoping it will be available elsewhere and will keep everyone posted. I am proud to be a supporter of what I consider will be a game-changer of a film.