Susie-Belle’s Memorial Walk
This weekend will see us down at the beach, with others remembering Susie-Belle. It’s her Memorial Walk and for a dog that lived for years in a puppy farm and never walked more than a few meters, but when she came to live with us it was a daily highlight, there’s no more fitting way to mark her life than with a walk with friends. And she loved a beach walk. It was so enjoyable to see her bouncing about on the sand, sniffing the air, taking in the sea smells, it was always one of our best ways to spend a day together.
One of the places we first took her to was the beach. I swam in the cool autumnal water and Susie-Belle and Renae stood watch with Michel:
If I had thought she would enjoy swimming with me that day, I would gladly have taken her paw and led into the sea alongside me…..I was determined one day to find out what she would enjoy and to discover the key to unlocking her from the anxiety and tensions she was currently imprisoned by. As I dived again below the chilly water, a dream of Susie-Belle one day living freely without fear or tension, unshackled from the memories of her past abuse, accompanied me as I swam back to shore.
Chapter 9, Saving Susie-Belle
The dream came true. She enjoyed her life, this I know for certain. We didn’t have long enough together, a thousand years would have been too short. I miss her every single day and I know I always will. But, her life was good in the end. And this is what we’ll celebrate on Sunday. Please join us if you can and if you’d like to support her Memorial Fund, the link is here: