Author: Janetta Harvey

Twinkle update

Goodness, it’s been too long since I wrote a post here, for that I apologise, the only reason being I’m immersed now in writing my next book and have been juggling time and commitments....

Fire destroys dogs home

Yesterday morning I woke up to the news that a suspected arson attack had destroyed Manchester Dogs Home. One of the oldest and largest rescues in the country, it was founded in 1893 and...

Parliamentary Debate

Yesterday was a big day in the UK for those campaigning to end puppy farming and the mass breeding and sale of puppies and kittens. In the House of Commons, MPs debated the following...

A few months back we were lucky to be visited by professional photographer Liz Benjaminwho is doing a brilliant photography project to raise awareness of puppy farming. We had fun posing on one of...

When a home is not a home as I know it to be

Recently I’ve found myself getting involved in online discussions on people giving dogs up for rehoming and as expected, things get heated, points are made and misunderstood, opinions are aired and not appreciated, emotions...

Twinkle at the vet

Our summer stay in France is underway. We arrived mid-week after an uneventful night-drive down. We opted for an overnight drive as it’s been so hot recently we thought the dogs would appreciate the...

Words must become actions

This is not the post that I’d been planning to put up this week. Where I’ve been enjoyably immersed in more bits and bobs on brains to follow this up, yesterday as I was...

Miniature Schnauzer Fun Day

This Sunday we’re heading to Northampton as we’ve kindly been invited to the Miniature Schnauzer Fun Day to talk about puppy farming and Susie-Belle. We’ll all be going along to meet new and old...