Category: Books

Cerise the Complicated

This weekend marks four weeks of Cerise coming to live with us. In that time she’s made remarkable progress in many areas; her fears are subsiding daily and reading through some of my notes...

Meeting our first focus group

Yesterday afternoon, I was invited with Annabel, illustrator for the children’s book I’m currently writing, to the home of a rather famous, and special pair of friends:  Haatchi and Owen. We were there to...

Can books share a message further?

Arguably the greatest challenge for all of us campaigning to see an end to puppy farming and irresponsible dog breeding is to reach the puppy buyers well before they buy, before they become a...

Book Sales Now Available Here

For the first time, it’s now possible to order my books directly from this site. I’m hugely pleased to be able to offer this, as it means I can make donations to the charities,...

The cherry on the cake

It’s been a good week in France, which is where we are now for the summer. The dogs love their days here as a) they have our company for most of each day, being...

Sequel to Saving Susie-Belle

I am in the last stages of completing the manuscript ready to send off to the publisher for the sequel to Susie-Belle’s story. Saving One More continues her tale and introduces her sister, Twinkle,...