Category: Books

Book Review: Wag

I get excited by books. I have more books in my home than I’m ever likely to read. When my ‘to be read’ piles – they’re more like stacks – threaten to topple over,...

The More You Use It

You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. A favourite Maya Angelou quote. She’s right, of course, phenomenal woman, great thinker, savvy human being that she was. I am...

Beware the gillygaupus

I recently completed a writing course with the University of East Anglia. The UEA are world leaders in teaching creative writing, with an alumni featuring literary shining lights such as Rose Tremain, Ian McEwan...

A New Book Begins

There’s nothing quite like making the decision to get working on another book and putting that decision down on paper. All my books begin life in notebooks, sometimes they languish for a long time...

Did Somebody Say Walk?

I’m delighted to announce that my second children’s book is now completed. Well, I say mine, I should really say OUR book as for the second time, I’ve teamed up with illustrator Annabel Wilson...

June Book Giveaway

Recently I wrote about the tough economics of the publishing industry and effects of high discounting on authors and illustrators (see here). I shared that I made less than £55 last year in royalties...