A Quiet Afternoon Suddenly Turns Frantic
Sitting at my computer earlier today, I’m idly browsing around, making a few notes about the next big project (more on that soon) when suddenly my messages start going bananas. My quiet afternoon suddenly turns frantic as I read message after message about a poor abused dog who’s been dumped at a rescue in Wales. I read the first blog post that gets sent to me and posted on my pages and I felt sick.
Stood there, very awkwardly and with her body hunched over, hiding behind her kennel friend, was a very frail, very poorly looking female schnauzer. Her hair was dirty and matted with pieces of sawdust stuck in it. She had a massive wound on the side of her body. This is probably the result of an attack of some sort. It’s infected and must cause her a lot of pain and discomfort. At closer inspection I notice her jaw is broken as well…

Photo credit: Many Tears Animal Rescue
The pain this poor abused dog has experienced, the suffering she has endured is quite simply gut wrenching if we stop and really think about it. Which I’m trying not to, I can’t manage the emotions this brings up in me: anger, sadness, grief, compassion, and complete heartbreak. She is a dog who has been bred, abused and dumped. She’s in physical and emotional pain like I cannot begin to think about without tears welling and my mind spinning. Which doesn’t help her. How do people do this? But thankfully, she is now at least getting the veterinary care that will keep her comfortable, and the good news from this afternoon’s frantic activity between several people, is that she’ll be in the care of Diana Brimblecombe Animal Rescue Centre tomorrow where she’ll receive all treatment necessary.
And the thing that really got my attention in the first place about this abused dog, her name is Twinkle.
We’ll be helping with any fundraising that’s required to get this abused girl the treatment she needs. I’ll update here when we know exactly what journey lies ahead for her with the DBARC team.

Photo credit: Many Tears Animal Rescue Centre