She’s a Survivor
To the puppy farmer who confined her to a life full of fear, I want to say that you did not break her. You harmed her, you neglected her, you profited from her for years, but you did not break her.
You wrecked her body, you wreaked devastation on her mind, but you did not break her.
You valued her for as long as she was fertile. You needed her body to deliver your next pay packet. For the time her womb could grow and deliver new life, you valued her body.
The money you forced from her during the long, dark years in your breeding shed, made you happy but it brutalised her. But you did not break her.
You robbed her of everything good. You tormented her mind. You caused her to fear her own shadow. You stole her happiness, flayed her with your greed, all the while being blind to her suffering. You are not a good human being.
You caused years of sorrow, inflicting a wretchedness no soul should ever know, especially one so innocent. Stirrings of ancestral, playful urges were snuffed out by the grim brutality of her barren world. For this you are responsible.
But you did not break her. For she is goodness, she is strong, she is a gift of nature who you did not deserve to ever know. She is courageous, she is hopeful, she is here today. She is loved and loving and healing.
She is a puppy farm survivor.