One Pound One Pawstep
Today Schnauzerfest launches a new campaign to raise awareness and funds for puppy farm rescue dogs. The One Pound One Pawstep campaign seeks to encourage people to collect small change through the year and donate it on a regular basis – weekly, monthly, quarterly – or at the end of the year, whatever suits.

Donating small amounts may not seem much help when veterinary bills can easily run into thousands of pounds, but as every dog that Schnauzerfest helps takes a single paw step towards a healthy, happy, regular life, so each pound donated will help pay for their journey.
As part of the One Pound One Pawstep campaign, Schnauzerfest will be running regular fundraisers which require just loose change to take part, kicking off with a January Raffle. The popular Lotto Bonus Ball competitions will be regularly held through the year, with a fun selection of mystery prizes on offer – made possible by generous donations of gifts from supporters wishing to help the charity.
In addition, it’s hoped that supporters will embrace the idea of small collections building into great things and run with their own fundraising ideas. Here are some being talked about:
- Cake sales at work
- Skipping a Starbucks/Costa/BigCorporateCoffee in favour of dropping the cost into the Schnauzerfest pot
- Walk to work, or the station, one day a week (or 2 or 3 or 4…) and pop the saved cost of parking over to the One Pound One Pawstep campaign.
The ideas are endless and we know Schnauzerfest supporters love being creative and we’re looking forwards to seeing the pots fill with coins and ideas spilling out. All the campaign asks is for people to save one pound regularly from their day to day lives for puppy farm dogs. And to tell their friends and family about the campaign and why Schnauzerfest fundraising is so vital for puppy farm dogs.
A particular favourite of mine is the One Pound One Paw step Swearing Pot, I was after all given this book and notebook by a friend who knows how much I appreciate a colourful vocabulary.

To support the One Pound One Pawstep Campaign visit Schnauzerfest on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@SchnauzerfestUK). Use the hashtag #OnePoundOnePawstep to spread the word and invite friends and family to support you.
Donations can be made at anytime on this LINK.
You can read stories on how donations to Schnauzerfest helps the dogs on Schnauzerfest website: Dogs We Have Helped.