We’re all on a spring time diet in the house, including Susie-Belle, in fact it’s mainly Susie-Belle and I who are dieting. When I say dieting, it’s more the cutting down than cutting out kind of diet. Dieting is never a highly successful occupation in this house of gluttinous foodies, but we’re giving it a go, again, for a few weeks.
I’m keeping our goals realistic, Susie-Belles is to lose a kilo, not the two kilos the vet last week suggested. There’s no point in having a super slender Susie-Belle, but neither, I know do we want a super tubby one.
I happen to believe that she has the makings of a perfect, hourglass figure, much like another renowned and admired foodie, whose love of culinary pleasures leads to curves to be coveted.

The hourglass figure used to be a lot more acceptable and desirable than it is these days, shame really as the round and curvy shape with a well defined waistline with fuller hips is a brilliant one for females like myself and Susie-Belle to aspire to whilst living with a chef, it’s the most realistic one at least.
I take comfort from hourglass shaped women from the past, before the stick-thin madness became the norm.
So whilst I realise neither Susie-Belle nor myself should be chubby fatties if we’re to live the long, healthy, happy lives that I wish us to, I am content that a bit of cutting back is all we both need do over the next few weeks.
And then Susie-Belle’s curves will be joined by a well-defined waistline, and voila, a perfect figure will emerge, it’s there, below the surface, I can see hints of it.
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