Who Doesn’t Love A Bargain?
Traditionally January is a month of sales and bargain grabs. And when it comes to books this is the time of year I tend to restock my ‘to be read’ pile for the year ahead. Actually I’m not sure it ever gets low, but more books can always be added. The only thing I collect and hoard is books, I live with a committed hoarder of what I call rubbish, he calls ‘might come in handy’ items and there’s a silent battle of attrition that goes on where he collects, I clear out. Except when it’s books. They can, and do, fill the corners of the house. So, I’m all for publicising a book bargain when I spot one. And if that book is one I’ve written, how can I not tell everyone about it?
Through the month of January, my publisher for ‘Saving One More’ is offering a generous 40% discount on paperback versions of the book (like all my books it’s also available in digital options).
The story picks up where ‘Saving Susie-Belle’ left off and after eighteen months of living with us, Susie-Belle – and we – were ready to welcome Twinkle into our world. The story of Twinkle catalogues our many challenges together for she was a different dog entirely from Susie-Belle. Where Susie-Belle’s physical health had been severely damaged by her years confined in the puppy farm, Twinkle’s problems were much more psychologically centred. Seeing her today enjoying her walks, her freedom, her life with us, it’s easy to forget how hard it was for her to learn to exist in the human world, let alone thrive. It was well over a year of hard work on her part before she could allow us close enough to clip on a lead without a major panic ensuing. We had some scary moments with her colossal unpredictability.
As well as tricky times, we also had brief glimpses into the funny, full character there was buried under a mountain of anxiety and fear. Over time these flashes of the real Twinkle became more numerous, longer lasting until eventually she was healed enough to let herself shine in our private world together.
A process still ongoing. She can still poop and fart like a fearful demon if I do something unexpected that she’s not ready for. And she regularly stays out of arms reach for a good few minutes of trotting round and round the house away from me, before she settles and lets me put her harness on to go out. Four years on from her rescue from a breeding facility where her life mattered only for the puppies she was forced to produce and she’s still working towards being a trusting soul. The breeding industry wrecks the bodies and minds of dogs, and in my two dogs, Twinkle and Susie-Belle this was never more clearly witnessed.
Something I wanted to do with writing Saving One More was to tell the stories of others around the world who face the same problems as breeding dogs in the UK. Throughout the book readers find many tales of dogs whose lives are saved. Some cases, like Tilly’s shows how their life helps that of their human companions in remarkable ways.
So if you’re thinking about whether to read Saving One More, or any of my books, now is a good time to stock up and put them on your TBR pile, or, to give as presents through the year. Books can change things, my sincere hope with all my writing is that it will change things for breeding dogs by educating readers, and by those readers educating others. Reading how Tina in the US, my Featured Reader in my latest newsletter uses my books, I’m confident this is happening, and deeply grateful to all my readers. Tina told me:
The book definitely changed me. I still have my copy that I treasure because of all my marks and highlighting but I also bought copies and gave to a book club group so they could be shared. One of the books ended up in Scotland by a friend who moved there and took it with her. Susie-Belle’s sweet face keeps me fighting for them and today I spent 45 minutes talking to a group about puppy mills and the horrors of it that had never heard of it.
As well as the 40% discount on Saving One More available through January from my publisher, Wordery are currently offering 10% discount on any second book bought. As they do FREE worldwide shipping, this works out as a good deal. So if you fancy buying two of my books, your options are good.
Thank you as always for supporting my efforts to bring about a better world for dogs like mine, through my writing and books. I wish I could do more, save more, save them all in fact. Till the day the breeding facilities close down and the industry is a relic of history, writing is what I can do, and I’m grateful to every single reader who reads my words and tells others the truth.
Order Saving One More in January to get 40% discount – 40% Offer
Or visit Wordery to claim 10% off the second book & FREE worldwide shipping – Wordery