Fridays are fun days
When Renae first came to us, I was keen that she would be as well socialised a pup as we could make her. Although we know lots of people around with dogs and over the 14 or so years walking with Jasmine we met lots of people, I wanted to give Renae opportunities to meet a huge variety of different dogs and people and I enrolled her from age 13 weeks at Bruce’s doggy daycare and she’s been going for a half day twice a week ever since.
When Susie-Belle arrived, I was in two minds as to whether it would be too overwhelming for her and ummed and ahhed for a bit before deciding to throw her straight in, twice a week with Renae. It was so the right decision, they’re both really happy when they are there – Bruce’s fab assistant Jo writes a daily e-diary telling us about the day’s events – and come back exhausted. And, at this time of year, usually muddy!
I’m on a late lunch break and during this hour I’ve had to give both girls a really thorough soak in the bath. I’m not complaining though as it shows they’re both running about in the fields, getting down and dirty with the other dogs and generally having fun. But roll-on the dry days of summer!