The girls and their game
The week ahead’s another busy work one for me, which means we’re up and out early again each morning so we can get our 4-5k walk in. If I ensure we do this, Renae and Susie-Belle sleep peacefully for most of the morning and only stir when I take my lunch break. It was a cold start, -3C on the outside thermometer so it was an extra brisk walk round which suited us all.
Susie-Belle probably had a little more yesterday to eat than she should have done. There were two pheasant carcasses from what Michel prepared for our Sunday dinner – boned, braised pheasant in mushroom sauce. Susie-Belle polished her carcass off in double-quick time, whilst I was still trying to get Renae to have a go at hers. She was licking it, almost started to crunch into it, but then decided the gamey taste really wasn’t for her. She spent about 10 minutes moving between her carcass left on her mat and going to watch Susie-Belle’s show of animated, no-nonsense crunch and grind. She seemed genuinely bewildered to see Susie-Belle tackling it with such gusto and would return to hers and have another sissy-lick before once again going back to watch her sister.
Eventually, and this made my heart melt, Renae took the carcass to Susie-Belle’s mat and left it for her to finish. As she was such a sweet, generous girl, she was given an alternative dinner, a soft but tasty mush of pureed veg, walnuts and tuna. This morning’s breakfast was the cooked meat taken from the bones that Michel used for stock, Renae loved this, so it’s probably raw game she’s less keen on, but Susie-Belle won’t be complaining, she gets two portions if we’re not quick enough to retrieve Renae’s discards.