Gardening schnauzers
With this blasted wet weather we’re not able to get out and about tidying up the garden which is doing a great impression of being a swamp right now – I’d like to say tropical swamp but I’d be exagerating as it’s far from tropical.
Thank goodness we had better weather whilst we were in France and Susie-Belle and Renae were able to help us out in the garden as we believe schnauzers to be superb and very energetic gardeners. For digging and schnuffling up the earth, and creating holes for planting, (whether wanted or not), we’ve yet to meet anyone or anything that does a better job than Renae.
Last year was Renae’s first year and she was dead keen on getting out in the garden at all times (except in the rain of course) and she’s itching to revive her interest, she’s already face down in the mud in the garden given half a chance in between showers. We’re not sure yet how expert a horticulturalist Susie-Belle is and we’re hoping she’ll be more of a designer and supervisor than actual paws-on-getting-mucky kind of gardener. So far she’s showing good promise, and (thankfully) in a more restrained way than her sister.
….and when she was satisfied with the work that had been done, she was always happy to come and tell us.