We’re on our way……….
Tomorrow we’ll be on our way to France for a few weeks, where it is hot, hot, hot. It’s been lovely and hot here in the UK now for three weeks, yes, three whole, uninterrupted weeks, the first decent length of summer for seven years apparently. Having the nice weather here has reminded me of a few essential things I need to make sure we have for the dogs in France especially as we are going to take a few days to go camping in the Cevennes region where it promises to be even hotter.
So, the car is being packed now with new cool mats, this is the first year we have tried them, and they work well at staying cool for a long time, ideal when we’re in the middle of nowhere in a tent. We have packed a paddling pool that we were kindly given a few weeks ago, Susie-Belle likes to stand in it and cool off, so far Renae and Twinkle haven’t joined her, but I don’t think it’ll be long in France before Twinkle does.
We are setting off in the early hours of the morning and hope to get to the house late afternoon, you’ll hear lots from us whilst we’re there for sure. More soon….