Joy. The word that sums up what Albert Claude brings to me. More importantly what I hope he feels every single day of his life. What he did not feel, I am sure, in the first five months of his life. Because Albert was born in a large dog breeding factory. Then transported hundreds of miles to a pet shop, where it was to be weeks before he was bought. Joy would not have been something baby Albert Claude would have felt.
Is there any doubt that joy runs through him fast and strong and bright when you see him on this morning’s walk?

I posted this photo a few hours ago on my Facebook page inviting people to say just one word to describe the photo. Joy, happiness, freedom, happy, free, love and loved are all there. Each word is perfect for him. For how he goes through life and what he brings to ours.
Lucky. A word that leaps out. I don’t know exactly what the person who offered it was seeing, most likely that Albert is a lucky dog. He is. He got out of the breeding factory young. Imagine, for a second, if he’d been kept by the puppy farmer to father more Albert Claudes. Joy wouldn’t have been something he’d ever have known. How wrong this is. How depraved the industry is which causes dogs to never know joy. Lucky. A feeling I have regularly because he shares our life and I know what a lucky escape he had.

Geronimo. A word I want to say out loud, again and again. What a great sound it makes. As it’s posted in response to my invitation and is a word I don’t know the origins of, I want to discover more. As a bit of a word nerd, I just wiki’d it. Glad I did as I’ve just read a fascinating history I wouldn’t have done if it wasn’t for Albert Claude and his happy face today.
Precious. A word that jumps out among the comments. Albert Claude is precious. Every life is precious. Every dog we have the privilege to live with is precious. Each will bring us precious life lessons. If we’re willing to learn.