An Angel has Arrived
When Susie-Belle died I had an urgent sense that a new dog must join us and we adopted Cerise 6 weeks later. When Twinkle died in July I felt in no hurry to get...
When Susie-Belle died I had an urgent sense that a new dog must join us and we adopted Cerise 6 weeks later. When Twinkle died in July I felt in no hurry to get...
In January this year I said on TV that Schnauzerfest had raised £126,000. It’s an astounding amount of money for a purely volunteer charitable effort to raise. Nobody involved with Schnauzerfest from the start,...
This time last year, Schnauzerfest supporter, Aimee, at the time 13 years old invited Alun Cairns MP, Seretary of State for Wales to join her for the Barry Island Schnauzerfest Walk. He attended, took...
After days of heatwave the morning Twinkle died it was raining. The irony wasn’t wasted on me. When she arrived in our life in February 2013 she had a phobic response to rain. Her...
Back in May, in Susie-Belle’s memory I launched a fundraiser to help the Diana Brimblecombe Animal Rescue Centre with a major project which has been in the planning for a few years. To rebuild...
Even when my heart is dark and heavy, weighed down by grief at Twinkle’s death I smile at the joy radiating from the brother she’s left behind.
Who ever knows what lies ahead on our journey through life? Who can tell if today is the last to be enjoyed or one of many before a mortal coil is shed? What we...
There was a time when orange was a colour I barely noticed. I didn’t dislike it but didn’t particularly like it either. It was just there, a bright splash, never insipid, but not a...
Summertime in the Perigord region of France is when we wake up each morning to reliable blue skies. We know we need to be out early if we’re to walk the dogs before the...
Last week we had friends come to stay. Living overseas away from most friends and family, means visits like it are treasured. While modern communications make staying in touch easy, there’s nothing quite like...