The holiday breakfast ritual
We seem to have developed a new routine to our mornings here, best told in pictures……. Preparation… Supervision…… Attention…… Decision, decision….. …..and Twinkle gets the...
We seem to have developed a new routine to our mornings here, best told in pictures……. Preparation… Supervision…… Attention…… Decision, decision….. …..and Twinkle gets the...
So far, all feedback I’ve had on the book has been very positive and it seems to be doing what I hoped, which is to help to raise awareness of puppy farming and what...
As any reader of the book knows, I am hugely thankful to Janet North, Susie-Belle’s foster-mum not only for trusting us to become Susie-Belle’s new family and arranging for the veterinary care that she needed,...
We’re a few days late marking the start of National Pet Month as I had to be away from home at the beginning of the week and yesterday we were travelling all day, arriving in France for our...
Last year there was an article circulating round the internet on dog-focussed websites bringing the wonderful old verb “to groke” to modern minds. It was picked up by dog folk as according to Mark...
When faced with a huge problem on a scale that is almost unthinkable, people often think that whatever they do won’t make a jot of difference – so they do nothing. And the problem...
I met up this morning with my friend Rachel for a walk with the girls and amongst the things we chatted about, books featured strongly. We’re both keen readers, Rachel’s a journalist and it’s...
It’s not even 10am and the girls have had two surprises this morning: one nice, one not so nice. Not so nice first: the rain is back. After a pleasant couple of weeks without...
It’s been 17 weeks since Susie-Belle partially ruptured the cruciate ligaments in her knee and although she’s doing very well and continues every day to regain her strength, she is, and probably always will...
There’s been a lot of controversy in recent days following a Daily Mail article with the headline “Anger as charities sell off rescue cats at giant pet superstores after years of campaigning against the sale of...