Two surprises this morning
It’s not even 10am and the girls have had two surprises this morning: one nice, one not so nice.
Not so nice first: the rain is back. After a pleasant couple of weeks without the wet stuff falling on us on our walks, or creating sloshy, muddy, swamp-like conditions everywhere we go, today it is relentlessly wet. Whilst I have good wet weather gear which has been worn more over the past few months than in its entire life, the girls are not happy dogs when they get wet. All, do everything possible to hurry on home; Renae memorably once when caught in a torrential downpour decided to purposively leg it off across the field leaving me in no doubt she’d have taken herself all the way home, including crossing a couple of busy roads if I hadn’t got her back on lead in time. Susie-Belle just stands and shakes and looks up at me with a sad, accusatory look, willing it all to be over and to be back indoors in the warmth, cosy on her bed. As for Twinkle, her reaction to rain is best described as frantic panic. So, all in all, this morning didn’t bode well when we got up.
But then it got drastically better when I opened the fridge. I remembered that Michel had left something special with particular instructions that the girls were to be given these today…….
…..Twinkle adores prawns, she is quite the gourmet these days, she has served her apprenticeship well under Susie-Belle and has discerning tastes. On a scale of enjoyment, these pleased Twinkle the most, closely followed by Renae, who is a delicate, particular eater and then, surprisingly, Susie-Belle looked for an alternative breakfast, although did eat her portion up when she realised there was no a la carte option today. I know prawns are an unusual food to feed dogs, but there is absolutely nothing harmful and everything good about these low fat, delights. The girls approved of their surprise this morning and soon forgot the rain.