It’s all a bit orange this month
October is the busiest month of the year for Schnauzerfest and it’s always a productive and fun time. Even last year when COVID-19 messed up plans, we adapted. I am so glad we did. It means that this year, the charity has a range of activities going on, all supported by an incredibly supportive community. Schnauzerfest10For10, our newest event is underway, more on that in a bit.
Walks are very much part of what happens in support of Schnauzerfest. Plenty are happening, all organised by keen individuals. There’s a lovely offering of walking options for dogs and people around the country that we’re regularly hearing about.
A large gathering in Scotland shows how much fun people and their dogs have supporting Schnauzerfest with a simple walk. A huge £500 donation reached the charity from this walk alone. Incredible generosity and great organisation by Diane, doing it for the first time.

Raising money for the charity is important and really welcome, as is awareness of the charity’s work. All this happens throughout the year, but especially so in Schnauzerfest Month, aka October!
Everyone’s support is invaluable. Nothing is achieved without brilliant, dedicated supporters. The Schnauzerfest community is a creative one. Our month long event Schnauzerfest10For10 is bringing out people’s creativity. Finding ways to support the charity around the number ten theme. Susie-Belle is at the heart of why the number ten. There’s little that Susie-Belle’s not present in when it comes to Schnauzerfest.

Already photos are spreading across social media. Tagged bold and bright with Schnauzerfest10For10. Photos featuring orange, schnauzers and celebrating everything done together with the charity.
It’s going to be a colourful and creative few weeks as Schnauzerfesters do what they do best – have fun while fundraising.

I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.
L.M Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables