It was Puppy Awareness Week last week in the UK, a Kennel Club initiative that raises awareness of how to find and buy healthy puppies and avoid the horrors of puppy farming. Maybe linked to this, there has been quite a bit of mainstream media coverage of the topic which is always good to see and read as it is very frustrating just how much ignorance exists about puppy farming and bad breeding practices in the public mind. I tell everyone about Susie-Belle and Twinkle and my motivation in writing the book has been to make a contribution to raising awareness and I am depressed how many people are surprised that the mass breeding of puppies goes on. So, it’s always good to see it being covered in the popular press, maybe one day things will improve. Here’s my round-up of what I’ve come across during the past week or so:
And there’s also been some positive news coming out of America on various issues relating to puppy farming: