Tagged: France

Winter Solstice

It was minus six degrees this morning as Albert Claude and I went up the lane and round the pond in time to see the Winter Solstice sun rise. Cold, beautiful and quiet. A...

My first UK visit since 2019

September is almost at an end and while it’s been a quiet one on the blog, it’s been a busy one in reality. I did something I haven’t done since November 2019, I went...

Sharing the sunflowers

When we arrive at the top of our lane we always pause. The dogs’ heads dip down, busy noses snuffle out scents caught in the thick grassy verge. It’s August, the sunflowers are out...


Joy. The word that sums up what Albert Claude brings to me. More importantly what I hope he feels every single day of his life. What he did not feel, I am sure, in...


It’s past midsummer, a time usually in south-west France when our walks would be at dawn, to be home before the heat rises. This year there is no rush for us to be out...

What we do is what we are doing

Late spring and we’re walking a familiar path with the dogs. The sun’s warm but a nippy wind keeps us from lingering. Albert Claude is hurtling along up ahead, nose to the ground. Hard...

Angel the Nomad

Angel must have nomadic genes. She loves to travel. It would have been hell for her in the puppy farm just being confined, let alone all the other hideous aspects of that existence. She...

Why New Is Good

When we adopted Susie-Belle it was all new, for her and us. She had no concept of what life with us would be like. Or indeed life anywhere beyond the safety of the rescue...