Tagged: France

National Best Friends Day

National Best Friends Day? Every day’s a hashtagged day it seems and some amuse and some are plain weird. Today I love that it’s #nationalbestfriendsday as we’re sharing this hot Wednesday in France with...

The cherry on the cake

It’s been a good week in France, which is where we are now for the summer. The dogs love their days here as a) they have our company for most of each day, being...

Scrambling up, staggering down

Where we decided to camp in the Cevennes we were up in the mountains. The campsite was 900m altitude, high for us, nothing I know for some mountain ranges. With neither of us being...

Camping trip to the Cevennes

 I’m sorry we’ve been AWOL for a week or so, we have had no internet access as we went off camping to the beautiful, remote region of southern France, the Cevennes. It is the most...

Fancy meeting you here..

One of the amazing things we’ve found since we lost Jasmine and started our schnauzer family all over again with first Renae, then Susie-Belle and more recently Twinkle is how many very good friends...

Wildflower walk

Not our house but one of our favourites, the “Chateau” We’ve had a few days here in France and the weather has been dramatic and beautiful. The temperatures when we drove down on Thursday...

France in May

Oh dear what is happening with the weather? We are in France for the week and normally at this time of year we have gorgeous sunny days and we go back to the UK...

Well that’s it then….

……till next time! Yes, the holidays are over and we’re back in the UK until we head back to France sometime in the autumn. We all had a lovely trip away, Susie-Belle flourished in...

Gardening schnauzers

With this blasted wet weather we’re not able to get out and about tidying up the garden which is doing a great impression of being a swamp right now – I’d like to say...