A little problem
Susie-Belle went off to the eye-vet yesterday for her regular 3 monthly check on her dry-eye (KCS). She’s doing well with it, we are using the tacrolimus cream daily, we’re supposed to be doing it twice a day, sometimes I just do it the once and she’s getting good readings now on her tear production, so I’m happy with what we’re doing. Perhaps the eye supplement she takes is also contributing to her good overall eye health. Janet, her foster mum found about Ocuglow some little while ago and looking at what’s in it, lots of good antioxidants, I can’t see it will do her anything but the world of good and I think it’s paying off now in her tear readings with a lower use of tacrolimus.
But, it wasn’t totally positive yesterday – it rarely is, that’s the balance of life I guess – as she has a bit of an infection on her eyelid, so she’s on a course of antibiotics for ten days and we hope that deals with it. It isn’t bothering her at all but it’s very red and puffy and she seems to have lost her luscious eyebrows so she does look a bit lop-sided at the moment.
She is not a happy girl in the very hot weather we’re basking in, but thankfully she is being sensible and staying indoors in the coolest room of the house. Unlike her sister Twinkle Berry who seems to like the warmth of our conservatory, although she is today staying on her cool pad. I’ve just prepared them some melon slices and popped them in the freezer for later refreshment. The heat is lovely, but we don’t do hot very well in England, it’s such a rare event for us all. The complaining has started now when we’re out and about, someone even said today she wished it would rain! I know what she means, but maybe just at night, that would be nice.