Think I may try one myself
After Susie-Belle hobbling all day yesterday and last night unable apparently to go out for a final wee without me carrying her, she’s woken up this morning and is bright as a button and no sign of any lameness or problem at all. Don’t know what’s in the pill the vet gave us, but think I fancy one myself.
She is a very good actress I have to say in terms of being able to look sadly, longingly, pathetically at me (in particular me, can’t think why) to get me to do what she wants these days. Yesterday you’d have thought her leg was about to drop off the pitiful look I got when I tried to get her down the garden for a wee. She needed – or so I thought – carrying up and down the garden steps.
I’ve no doubt she was in pain, she did a horrible squeal Thursday evening when she moved, but I suspect she was a little more capable of mobility yesterday than I thought she was. Think I might have been conned by my special little Susie-Belle who got herself a few more cuddles and carry-rounds than normal 🙂