Would you believe me if I told you I was hungry?
Susie-Belle has the most angelic face, it reflects her personality so perfectly, but she can also be a fabulous trickster when she wants to be.
Take a look at the photo on the left, this is her “but I am really very, very hungry, are you sure you gave me breakfast?” look. It’s one we’re getting used to seeing as she sits patiently by our feet whilst we’re in the kitchen.
She had one of her favourites earlier, it’s the part of a lamb’s leg that attaches to the foot, I guess it’s what we would call the Achilles tendon area, I’ll get the butcher’s name for it one day. Anyhow, it’s a perfectly sized piece of chewy cartilaginous, meaty, by all accounts tasty lamb that both girls love. They’re still chewing on them now, 2 hours after I gave them one each. But I bet Susie-Belle will try this face on me later, hoping for a late evening extra supper. I must resist, I must.