Author: Janetta Harvey

Lambs bits and pieces

We just got back from a trip to the supermarket and I spotted something new for Susie-Belle’s supper tonight. Thinking I knew what the French for lamb’s kidney was – rognon d’agneau – I...

Is there anymore?

We’re in the middle of a heatwave here, really it’s scorchio….we’ve moved the girls indoors into the cool of the shuttered house for the rest of the afternoon, but before we did so, Susie-Belle...

This was new

The other day in the supermarket we found a whole rabbit, well whole except for ears, fur and feet. We didn’t think we’d be eating the head (yep, it was that whole) so after...

Oooh la la who are you lovelies?

We took a detour on our early walk today and after we’d climbed down through the woods and up again along the farm track we came across these beautiful gentle creatures. Just before this,...

Miss Froggy came to tea

…..or rather Miss Froggy’s legs were tea! Both Renae and Susie-Belle enjoy the odd frogs legs and as we’d never find them back home in the UK, we have to let them enjoy some...

Synchronised snoozing

It was another beautiful hot afternoon yesterday and the only thing for it was to relax and snooze under the bushes on the terrace. I popped in and out to check on the girls...

Fruit surprise

I plan on making some fruit purees and freezing them into ice cube trays for a bit of a fruity surprise on hot afternoons. But so far, I haven’t got myself organised to be...

Scorcher part 2

We went early today to the lake for a swim and walk. Whilst the girls walked around the lake through the shade of pine trees, I got in some serious swimming……I’ve got that 10k...


We arrived here in gorgeous south west France late Wednesday after a good drive down. Once again Renae and Susie-Belle travelled perfectly, Rosie cat sang her little song on and off but once here,...