Author: Janetta Harvey

A walk along Lush Lane

We took the girls yesterday afternoon along our regular walk through the park and along the back lane to the old, overgrown cricket field. With all the rain we’ve had this spring and summer it...

It’s the little things

Over the past few months Susie-Belle has made good, steady progress with us and every week we notice and comment on how happy she seems and how much less we see any anxiety related...

Delivery day

It’s been one of Susie-Belle’s favourite mornings, we had a BIG delivery of various dried animal bits and pieces. She sat patiently in the kitchen doorway whilst I unpacked dried trachea, stinky dried tripe...

Can you spot Susie-Belle

Last week’s dog-e-diary blog from the excellent daycare place that Susie-Belle and Renae go to two mornings a week featured a lovely little photo of Renae’s scruffy-fun-loving face on Friday. I was so pleased...

Pigeon wing anyone?

Whilst I was away over the weekend, Susie-Belle was in the comforting and kind hands of Michel, who, although very lovely in all ways is not renowned in this house for any sharp-eyed attention...

All together again…

I sneaked away for the weekend on Friday afternoon – it was a tough decision to leave little Susie-Belle and Renae for a whole day and night but I had a swimming weekend that had...

Tiny heads with beaks

A bit of an interesting supper for Susie-Belle last night. I had a sort through the freezer and found a small container I’d put in there at Easter and forgotten about. Opening it up,...

More photos from the weekend

As promised, here are some of my favourite photos of Susie-Belle and Renae from the weekend taken by brilliant amateur photographer and schnauzer fan, Mike Jackson: Photo courtesy of Mike Jackson   Photo courtesy...