Janetta Harvey Author, Blogger and Campaigner

Remembering Marnie

In the early hours of Sunday morning the world lost a beautiful dog. In the few years she lived outside of the puppy farm, Marnie touched the hearts of all who came to love...

Oscar’s Law Victory in Victoria

Last week Australia saw a terrific victory for one of the world’s most tenacious, dedicated campaign groups against the cruelties of the puppy industry – Oscar’s Law. The passing in the Victorian Parliament of...

A Royal Appointment For Saving Maya

The Berkshire Book Fairy and illustrator of Saving Maya, Annabel Wilson had a lot of fun dropping copies around Windsor on Monday in celebration of Goodreads and The Book Fairies #HideABookDay. A worldwide event,...

Maya Meets A Real Life Fairy

From the beginning, Saving Maya has been a book that’s inspired people to get involved. This is fantastic – and essential – for a book with central themes of compassion and kindness. In a...

The Curse of Cute

We’re living through times where cuteness is sought out like never before. People spend ridiculous amounts of time searching out, watching and sharing cute things, made easy by the internet. The power of cute...