Book cover seen….excited…impatient….happy
Yesterday we got to have a sneak preview of the first draft of the cover for the book. It looks fabulous and as soon as I can, I’ll pop it here for you to see, but for now, “Saving Susie-Belle: rescued from the horrors of a puppy farm, one dog’s uplifting true story” is busily coming together at John Blake Publishing and will be out in a few months.
My impatience is going to be hard to manage during the wait, so I have a few busy things planned to keep my mind off waiting for publication. We are off to France soon and will spend the end of July and all of August there. As well as our usual time at the house, we’re going to head south and east over to the Cevennes region for a few days camping. It will be the first time we’ve camped in France and we’re hoping the first time camping in some sunny, dry, warm weather as so far all our UK camps have been cold, wet and windy. We are also going to be meeting up with our schnauzer friends, Rupert and Watson whilst in France, they have a house about two hours south of us, and we’re even going to meet a new, yet-to-be-met schnauzer friend who lives there all year round, Gaspard is a very handsome standard schnauzer and we’ll tell you all about it when we’ve had our day at his place.
When we get back after the summer holiday, I am then going to take the girls to Scotland for a few days by the coast. We will stay in a cottage that is located right on the beach, I plan on doing some peaceful beautiful coastal walks and visiting a friend in Edinburgh whilst there. Hoping too to meet up with some Scottish schnauzers, there are several giant schnauzers there that we are in touch with on the UK Schnauzer Forum and we’re planning a meet up.
So, with all this planned, I think the wait for the book’s publication will be bearable….just about.