Susie-Belle’s food diary
Oh now this is weird, I posted a post and now it’s gone, so let’s try again. We’re nearly at the end of our home-alone week without our resident chef, but I don’t think we’ve done badly on the food front. Here’s what Susie-Belle has eaten her way through over the past week.
- MEAT: Various bits of pheasant carcass, a couple of juicy plump French quails, the odd chicken wing, a good portion of best beef fillet served as rare as raw can be, a couple of pheasant necks, a handful of lamb ribs.
- FRUIT & VEG: various mixed purees of combinations of blueberries, carrots, apples, pears, pineapple, beetroot, butternut squash, courgette and banana.
- HERBS SPICES: there’s been the added condiments of ginger, garlic, parsley and fennel
- Plus the usual extra dollop here and there of organic goats yoghurt and Susie-Belle’s daily drop or two of flaxseed oil. Oh yes, and the bedtime biscuits this week have been cheddar cheese with Parmesan.
So I don’t think we’ve done badly, the freezer has served us well.