Janetta Harvey Author, Blogger and Campaigner

The woods in spring…at last

The weather has been so depressing, for weeks now we’ve had endless cold and lots of rain. We are in France at the moment and normally this time of year it is warm in...

Blustery beach walk

We had one of our favourite days out on Monday as it was Easter Bank Holiday and we all had the day off. We met our great friends, Mike, Dean and Jolyon down at...

Susie oozes confidence these days…

When we decided to bring Twinkle Berry into our home, I thought long and hard over several weeks whether it would be a good idea for Susie-Belle. I considered whether she was sufficiently settled...

Susie-Belle Cushion

Little Twinkle likes a bit of extra cushion to make her really, really comfy. Susie-Belle was happy to help her out earlier.

Thyroid results

The vet called this morning and little (or not so little these days) Susie-Belle does have an underactive thyroid disorder. It seems good and bad news in an odd way. Good we’ve got to...

A week on

Twinkle Berry has been with us now for exactly a week – almost to the minute as I write. She has been a wonderful arrival in all of our lives, she is bringing out...

Cushing’s, cushions and twinkles

Well we seem to be constantly apologising to everyone for not having time to do everything at the moment, but life seems to be going through one of those phases when challenge after challenge...

Some exciting, no VERY exciting news

We have been working away on a really exciting project which today we can share with everyone. Susie-Belle’s story is going to be published. We’re having her book published……when it’s been written that is!...