Literary Festivals & Radio Shows…all a normal day these days
Yesterday I took part in a live radio interview – the first time I’ve done anything like it, although a couple of weeks ago I did a pre-recorded one which was fun. I didn’t...
Yesterday I took part in a live radio interview – the first time I’ve done anything like it, although a couple of weeks ago I did a pre-recorded one which was fun. I didn’t...
A Thursday morning surprise, the book is out now as a Kindle download. Follow the link here …and let us know what you think, all reviews very welcome, especially if posted on Amazon 🙂
We had a superb time yesterday at the official book launch party. The turnout was brilliant, I don’t know for certain how many people came, but the shop was packed and I was busy...
Today’s the day the book is officially being launched with a party and signing at our local independent bookshop, The Cobham Bookshop who kindly agreed to host it. We are delighted they agreed, not...
I’ve been reading a rather brilliant book by the renowned Marc Bekoff who writes intelligent, thoughtful and thought-provoking pieces looking at our relationships with others in the animal kingdom. The book I’ve recently been enjoying...
The book has been released a bit earlier than expected and copies have been arriving over the past day or so to those who pre-ordered. It’s been such a whirlwind of excitement and very...
Here’s a very nice piece of writing and thinking. It’s been very important to me to try to deepen my understanding of how Susie-Belle and my other two wonderful dogs approach the world, so...
Well life here continues to keep us busy, Susie-Belle is enjoying getting out and about in her buggy each day, in fact she’s enjoying it so much, I can see she’ll be missing it...
Susie-Belle takes a few supplements to give her maximum healthy support with the few health issues she lives with, both long term like her “dry-eye” and joint stiffness and arthritis and short term such...