Schnauzer Sunday
We had another great schnauzer walk on Sunday at Norbury Park, local to us. Plenty of willing schnauzers and owners turned out to enjoy some (rare) autumn sunshine. The girls had a brilliant time,...
We had another great schnauzer walk on Sunday at Norbury Park, local to us. Plenty of willing schnauzers and owners turned out to enjoy some (rare) autumn sunshine. The girls had a brilliant time,...
We had our last camping weekend recently as the weather’s getting chilly and pretty wet now. We went to Dorset with our friends and their gorgeous boys, Watson and Rupert. As ever, Susie-Belle loved...
When we’re out and about and Renae and Susie-Belle are heading off to mooch with their pals and smell the smells it can sometimes be a challenge getting them both to come back to us without adequate culinary...
In the UK, this is the Kennel Club’s Puppy Awareness Week. This is a campaign to try to raise awareness of how to find good, healthily bred puppies and to avoid the puppy farming...
Renae and Susie-Belle meet for the first time Well Susie-Belle has now been in our lives for a full year and what an enriching experience the past year has been for us...
Since we’ve had Susie-Belle she hasn’t managed to get down our staircase at home here. They are pretty steep and she’s tried a few times and clattered down and scared herself. However, one year...
……till next time! Yes, the holidays are over and we’re back in the UK until we head back to France sometime in the autumn. We all had a lovely trip away, Susie-Belle flourished in...
We just got back from a trip to the supermarket and I spotted something new for Susie-Belle’s supper tonight. Thinking I knew what the French for lamb’s kidney was – rognon d’agneau – I...